Colin Brown

In his current work, Colin Brown pulls together random elements and fragments into closely controlled compositions. The paintings, which run a fine line between impulse and calculation, continuously shift in context and meaning. Rather than trying to realise a pre-determined concept, his work follows a specific process which allows the painting to emerge. Colin explains; 'My creative process is one of exploration and chance. I go into each painting with no pre-conceived idea, working initially on buliding the surface in layers and marking reference points. Gradually a dialogue between myself and the painting is developed, and a definite direction is formed. In the final analysis, great importance is placed on the finished surface, balance, structure and rhythm of the painting'. Colin has built up a strong international career profile, with regular exhibitions in the UK, Europe and America - and has spent periods of time working in Europe. His work has received a number of awards - most notably a major artists grant from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York.